1 – Install Jenkins on Kubernetes 2 – After the installation of Jenkins, install the Kubernetes Plugin 3 – Configuring the Pods: 3.1 – Navigate to Configure Jenkins / Manager Nodes and Clouds / Configure Clouds / Choose Kubernetes and configure the Kubernetes and the pod template with the image jenkins/inbound-agent / Select the option…
Tag: kubernetes
Deploying app services using kubernetes
Deploy apps using Kubernetes coud be really easy and fast, I’m listing some yaml scripts to launch some useful apps 🙂 Dotnetcore Jenkins Kong Service Mesh Mongo DB Nginx PgAdmin PostgreSQL PostGrest
Minikube – Useful commands
Get Start! reference: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/controls/ Ingress dns
Kubernetes shortcuts
Creating alias for Kubectl This will persist until you log out. To save this alias, add it to your .bashrc or .profile file. Creating a alias to set the context Reference: https://medium.com/james-reads-public-cloud-technology-blog/3-basic-kubernetes-shortcuts-for-faster-command-line-kung-fu-5c041295ea78
Deploying PostgreSQL with Kubernetes
PostgreSQL is a powerful database and we can scale it easy with Kubernetes In this case we gonna use Kubernetes to store our pods of Postgres with a data value external because if we any pod stop accidentally we won’t lose our data. Configuring our Storageclass Now we gonna configure our Persistent Volume with 5GB…
Deploying Apache Kafka on Kubernetes Local
Kafka is a powerful framework of message queue and more, so let’s install it on our local environment to test! Our ingredients: 1 – Helm; 2 – Kubernetes; 3 – Helm Apache Kafka. Let’s init our Helm support: Let’s download a copy of the Helm Kafka If you desire, you can expose kafka externally editing…
Deploying dotnetcore Applications on Kubernetes with Service Mesh Kuma
On these days, microservices are improving our productivity, scalability and the disponibility of our apps and saving time (Woow!), to support the security and access control we can use the service mesh to do that so let’s make an example using: dotnetcore, kubernetes and kuma 🙂 Our ingredients: 1 – Kubernetes; 2 – Kuma Mesh;…
Deploying a dotnetcore app on Kubernetes
Deploy an application dotnetcore on Kubernetes locally Installing application dotnetcore demo: Running the app locally: Navigate to the project folder at dotnet-docker/samples/aspnetapp/aspnetapp. Go to http://localhost:5000 in a browser to test the app. Press Ctrl+C at the command prompt to stop the app. Building the application on Docker container: Navigate to the Dockerfile folder at dotnet-docker/samples/aspnetapp. Run the following…
Kuma Metrics grafana
To visualize traffic metrics dashboards we can use grafana to visualize: Once we have installed the required dependencies, we can now go ahead and enable metrics on our Mesh object by executing: This will enable the prometheus metrics backend on the default Mesh and automatically collect metrics for all of our traffic. Now let’s go ahead and generate some traffic – to…
Kuma Mesh – Commun Commands
The project Kuma Mahs is useful tool to create powerful systems based in microservices. To install and execute the commands you have to install Kuma and the app example available in: https://kuma.io/docs/1.1.2/quickstart/kubernetes/ Enviroment variables used: {{meshe}} = default {{namespace}} = kuma-demo Listing Traffic Permissions: Kuma – GUI: Creating a Traffic Permission: Listing the detail about…