To visualize traffic metrics dashboards we can use grafana to visualize: Once we have installed the required dependencies, we can now go ahead and enable metrics on our Mesh object by executing: This will enable the prometheus metrics backend on the default Mesh and automatically collect metrics for all of our traffic. Now let’s go ahead and generate some traffic – to…
Listing some layers in Google Earth Engine with Folium python Api
[git-github-jupyter url=””]
Kuma Mesh – Commun Commands
The project Kuma Mahs is useful tool to create powerful systems based in microservices. To install and execute the commands you have to install Kuma and the app example available in: Enviroment variables used: {{meshe}} = default {{namespace}} = kuma-demo Listing Traffic Permissions: Kuma – GUI: Creating a Traffic Permission: Listing the detail about…
Kubernetes – Namespaces
To separate, use different configuration of secrets and resources you can use namespace in Kubernetes and we can choose two different ways to create a namespace
Kubernetes – Deploying a mongodb and mongo-express
The structure desired: Mongo express (as a external service) accessing a mongodb (as a internal service) and using a secret service to storage the username and password. The final product gonna be like: A web-ui (mongo-express) sending commands to a mongodb (mongodb-service) Installing the Secret Service Checking the services Installing and configuring mongodb-espress WEB-UI If…
Basic kubectl Commands
List of some basic and usefull commands of kubectl
Installing Kubernetes using Ubuntu
Installing minikube Running Minikube Downloading and installing kubectl Valindating the binary(optional) Installing kubectl Source: Voila! everything is installed!
Miniconda / Conda commands
conda env list – Listing the enviromentsconda activate “name” – activating enviroment conda create –name “name” –file file.txt -c conda-forge – Creating an enviroment from package list with CONDA-FORGE
Filtering Geojson by properties
Filtering the data of Geojson using a property:
Adding days to JavaScript Date
With prototype is really easy to extend the functions of Date and add the option ADDDAYS.