I’m starting a serie of posts to create an app complete since the database conception til the launch of models to use with Machine Learning utils. 100% Open Source 100% Python. Let’s go!!!
Python Advanced Concepts Part 7 – Iterators and Lists manipulation
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/PythonCodeSnippets7.ipynb”]
Python Advanced Concepts Part 6 – Logging
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/CodeSnippetsPython6.ipynb”]
Python Advanced Concepts Part 5 – Class and Enum
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/CodeSnippetsPython5.ipynb”]
Python Advanced Concepts Part 4 – Lambda Expressions and Collections
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/CodeSnippetsPython4.ipynb”]
Python Advanced Concepts Part 3 – Itertools
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/CodeSnippetsPython2.ipynb”]
Python Advanced Concepts Part 2 – DocString
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/CodeSnippetsPython3.ipynb”]
Python Concepts Part 1 – Filter and Map
Let’s clarify some useful and friendly utils available with python to manipulate string, lists, filters… [git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/Python-CodeSnippets/blob/main/concepts/filters_map.ipynb”]
Creating a Web App CRUD with Flask, SqlAlchemy and SQLite
Flask is a microweb framework for python really useful and easy to implement many times of system, let’s create a webapp using these free useful tools and create our local database. 1- First let’s create a virtual enviroment using Miniconda 2 – Install the dependencies: 3- Creating our Web App 3.1 – Creating our Models:…
Creating a Python package using Python-Poetry
Creating a Python package is really usefull for versioning and distribuiton to our help methods or even our comproject complete, today let’s user Poetry to create a simple project (GUID Generator) and show how to deploy for a Pypi-Server 1 – Installing the Poetry 2 – Creating the Poetry project 3 – Virtual Enviroment Poetry…