Flask is a microweb framework for python really useful and easy to implement many times of system, let’s create a webapp using these free useful tools and create our local database. 1- First let’s create a virtual enviroment using Miniconda 2 – Install the dependencies: 3- Creating our Web App 3.1 – Creating our Models:…
Category: web
Creating complete WEB App without coding HTML with PyWebIO and Flask
The framework PyWebIO is very useful to develop some web apps with interface quickly and useful, on this post we gonna create a GUID Generator using this framework! [git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/leaftix-labs-guid-generator/blob/main/notebook.ipynb”] Github: https://github.com/rondweb/leaftix-labs-guid-generator
FriendFeed conectando tudo a tudo
FriendFeed conectando tudo a tudo