[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/PythonScriptsBigData/blob/main/Plague2.ipynb”]
Category: Uncategorized
Alembic – Database Management – Get started
Alembic is a powerful tool to manage database generating migrations and versions of tables, views and etc enabling a easy management of your database. Now you have to edit the alembic.ini and put your connectionstring using the field sqlalchemy.url Now let’s create the first table definition He gonna create a migration file and you can…
Running Docker images using Jenkins Pipeline on Kubernetes
1 – Install Jenkins on Kubernetes 2 – After the installation of Jenkins, install the Kubernetes Plugin 3 – Configuring the Pods: 3.1 – Navigate to Configure Jenkins / Manager Nodes and Clouds / Configure Clouds / Choose Kubernetes and configure the Kubernetes and the pod template with the image jenkins/inbound-agent / Select the option…
Deploying app services using kubernetes
Deploy apps using Kubernetes coud be really easy and fast, I’m listing some yaml scripts to launch some useful apps 🙂 Dotnetcore Jenkins Kong Service Mesh Mongo DB Nginx PgAdmin PostgreSQL PostGrest
Minikube – Useful commands
Get Start! reference: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/controls/ Ingress dns
Image segmentation with Python Pixellib
Deep learning libs to process images and videos and execute tasks like segmentation, classification and etc… Pixelib now is using tensorflow and pytorch as a core so let’s do some tests using the pytorch version. 1 – Installing the libs 2 – Importing the libs and downloading an image as example: 3 – Creating a…
Creating Angular App with Bootstrap, Ag-grid
On this article let’s create a simple web app using angular to show a table with dynamic information et configure some aspects like filtering, ordering, styling… 1 – Creating a Conda enviroment with Python 3.9 1.1 – Activating the enviroment and installing nodejs 2 – Installing Angular CLI 3 – Creating the Angular App 4…
Creating a Micro HttpServer with Python 3
Sometimes we need just a microserver to simulate or do some tests using our APIS so python can be used to create this micro httpserver in a simple way! 🙂 Case 1 We just need to serve some html files so, go the path that you need and just: Case 2 We need to perform…
Detecting Credit Card Frauds with Python, Tensorflow and Keras
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/PythonScriptsBigData/blob/main/FraudDetection.ipynb”] Github: https://github.com/rondweb/PythonScriptsBigData/blob/main/FraudDetection.ipynb
Miniconda – Saving Enviroment variables
Conda/Miniconda is a great virtual enviroment server, saving enviroments to conda is really simple: 1 – Locate the directory for the conda environment in your terminal window by running in the terminal echo $CONDA_PREFIX. 2 – Enter that directory and create these subdirectories and files (MAC/Linux): 2.1 – Enter that directory and create these subdirectories…