Python is really powerful and useful for many daily tasks, today let’s get the text from a word file! [git-github-jupyter url=””]
Category: python
Serving Deep Learning Models with Tensorflow Server – part 2
Serving Deep Learning Models with Tensorflow Server – part 1 Now we already had our model ready to be serve with our Tensorflow Server! Let’s install the docker image of Tensorflow Server Almost there! now we need just running the container with some parameters! offering the source path of our model(source), the path that it…
Alembic – Database Management – Get started
Alembic is a powerful tool to manage database generating migrations and versions of tables, views and etc enabling a easy management of your database. Now you have to edit the alembic.ini and put your connectionstring using the field sqlalchemy.url Now let’s create the first table definition He gonna create a migration file and you can…
Trace Code in Python
Use a decorator to trace your functions Our goal is to create a reusable way to trace functions in Python. We do this by coding a decorator with Python’s functools library. This decorator will then be applied to functions whose runtime we are interested in. Tracing Decorator: @tracefunc The code below represents a common decorator pattern that…
Gerando Crop (clip) de um Raster com ShapeFile
Gerando Crop (clip) de um Raster com ShapeFile
Chamadas assíncronas com GNU Parallel
Chamadas assíncronas com GNU Parallel