Fake User – Creation of fake data https://randomuser.me/?ref=undesign The Movie Database (TMDB) – Dataset of movies, series, actors and etc https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction OpenWeather Map – Weather info about all the world https://openweathermap.org User icons https://avatars.dicebear.com/docs Ref: 5 Awesome API for your Projects!. Here are some APIs that will take your… | by Ishaan Gupta | CodeX…
Category: data science
Creating a stock market report using with Python Pandas, Web Scraping and Mito
Today we gonna crate a stock market in 5 minutes using Python, Pandas, Web scraping and Mito [git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/stock_reports/blob/master/stock.ipynb”] Github repo: rondweb/stock_reports (github.com)