Deploy apps using Kubernetes coud be really easy and fast, I’m listing some yaml scripts to launch some useful apps 🙂 Dotnetcore Jenkins Kong Service Mesh Mongo DB Nginx PgAdmin PostgreSQL PostGrest
Author: Ronaldo Andrade
Minikube – Useful commands
Get Start! reference: Ingress dns
Image segmentation with Python Pixellib
Deep learning libs to process images and videos and execute tasks like segmentation, classification and etc… Pixelib now is using tensorflow and pytorch as a core so let’s do some tests using the pytorch version. 1 – Installing the libs 2 – Importing the libs and downloading an image as example: 3 – Creating a…
Creating Angular App with Bootstrap, Ag-grid
On this article let’s create a simple web app using angular to show a table with dynamic information et configure some aspects like filtering, ordering, styling… 1 – Creating a Conda enviroment with Python 3.9 1.1 – Activating the enviroment and installing nodejs 2 – Installing Angular CLI 3 – Creating the Angular App 4…
Creating a Micro HttpServer with Python 3
Sometimes we need just a microserver to simulate or do some tests using our APIS so python can be used to create this micro httpserver in a simple way! 🙂 Case 1 We just need to serve some html files so, go the path that you need and just: Case 2 We need to perform…
Detecting Credit Card Frauds with Python, Tensorflow and Keras
[git-github-jupyter url=””] Github:
Trace Code in Python
Use a decorator to trace your functions Our goal is to create a reusable way to trace functions in Python. We do this by coding a decorator with Python’s functools library. This decorator will then be applied to functions whose runtime we are interested in. Tracing Decorator: @tracefunc The code below represents a common decorator pattern that…
Deploying PostgreSQL with Kubernetes
PostgreSQL is a powerful database and we can scale it easy with Kubernetes In this case we gonna use Kubernetes to store our pods of Postgres with a data value external because if we any pod stop accidentally we won’t lose our data. Configuring our Storageclass Now we gonna configure our Persistent Volume with 5GB…
Deploying Apache Kafka on Kubernetes Local
Kafka is a powerful framework of message queue and more, so let’s install it on our local environment to test! Our ingredients: 1 – Helm; 2 – Kubernetes; 3 – Helm Apache Kafka. Let’s init our Helm support: Let’s download a copy of the Helm Kafka If you desire, you can expose kafka externally editing…
Deploying dotnetcore Applications on Kubernetes with Service Mesh Kuma
On these days, microservices are improving our productivity, scalability and the disponibility of our apps and saving time (Woow!), to support the security and access control we can use the service mesh to do that so let’s make an example using: dotnetcore, kubernetes and kuma 🙂 Our ingredients: 1 – Kubernetes; 2 – Kuma Mesh;…