[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/tensorflow_serving/blob/master/tensorflow_server.ipynb”] Parte 2
Author: leaftix
Image Classification using Tensorflow
[git-github-jupyter url=”https://github.com/rondweb/PythonScriptsBigData/blob/main/Plague2.ipynb”]
Alembic – Database Management – Get started
Alembic is a powerful tool to manage database generating migrations and versions of tables, views and etc enabling a easy management of your database. Now you have to edit the alembic.ini and put your connectionstring using the field sqlalchemy.url Now let’s create the first table definition He gonna create a migration file and you can…
Miniconda – Saving Enviroment variables
Conda/Miniconda is a great virtual enviroment server, saving enviroments to conda is really simple: 1 – Locate the directory for the conda environment in your terminal window by running in the terminal echo $CONDA_PREFIX. 2 – Enter that directory and create these subdirectories and files (MAC/Linux): 2.1 – Enter that directory and create these subdirectories…
Python tricks :)
Formatting big integers – Python 3.6+ Grouping Hexadecimal and bits Lib pathlib to manipulate system’s path String Format with interpolation – Python 3.6+ Reference
Moving the mouse cursor with Python
Moving the mouse cursor using python is really easy using python with package pyautogui
Implementing Dotnet Core Entity Framework with PostgreSQL
Entity framework is a easy way to manage your DB connections and databases Creating an app using dotnet core Access the application’s path and install the packages Creating the model Creating the DataContext Creating the class to get our connection string Creating your class DataAccess to manipulate our database with options to use two BDs…
Kubernetes shortcuts
Creating alias for Kubectl This will persist until you log out. To save this alias, add it to your .bashrc or .profile file. Creating a alias to set the context Reference: https://medium.com/james-reads-public-cloud-technology-blog/3-basic-kubernetes-shortcuts-for-faster-command-line-kung-fu-5c041295ea78
Installing .netcore on Ubuntu 20.04
Download the packages: Installing the SDK To check if everything is good: Reference: https://tecadmin.net/how-to-install-net-core-on-ubuntu-20-04/
Kuma Metrics grafana
To visualize traffic metrics dashboards we can use grafana to visualize: Once we have installed the required dependencies, we can now go ahead and enable metrics on our Mesh object by executing: This will enable the prometheus metrics backend on the default Mesh and automatically collect metrics for all of our traffic. Now let’s go ahead and generate some traffic – to…