Flask is a microweb framework for python really useful and easy to implement many times of system, let’s create a webapp using these free useful tools and create our local database.
1- First let’s create a virtual enviroment using Miniconda
2 – Install the dependencies:
3- Creating our Web App
3.1 – Creating our Models:
3.1.1 – Let’s create our __init__.py to start our Flask App and set the configuration for our SQLite:
import os
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
dir_db = "database.db"
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = f"sqlite:////data/{dir_db}"
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
3.1.2 – Let’s create our class that gonna be translate in our database table in a few minutes:
import os
from web_app import app, db
from uuid import uuid4
class Base(db.Model):
__abstract__ = True
id = db.Column(db.String(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp())
updated_at = db.Column(
class User(Base):
name = db.Column(db.String(128))
def __repr__(self):
return "<User %r>" % self.name
3.1.3 – Let’s create a function to fake some data using Faker to be a good example 😉
from faker import Faker
faker = Faker()
def get_names(num_exemples = 1):
names = []
for x in range(0,num_exemples):
names.append({"name": faker.name()})
return names
3.1.4 – Now let’s create our app.py to create the RESTUrl’s of our web app to:
- Home Page;
- Fake some data to our new database @app.route(“/fake-data”);
- Truncate our database @app.route(“/truncate-db”);
- Start a new fresh installation of our database and tables @app.before_first_request
import os
from web_app import app, db, models
from flask_migrate import Migrate
from data.mock_data import get_names
First route to the home app
def main():
return "Hello world Web App"
Get fake data with specific number of exemples and insert it into database
def get_fake_data(numbers=10):
lst_names_fake = get_names(numbers)
for n in lst_names_fake:
usr = models.User(name=n["name"])
return usr.name
Truncate database to clean all the tables and data and recreate everything
def delete_data_db(recreate=True):
if recreate:
return "All the database is truncated!"
Before to start the app we have to create all the database structure
def before_first_request():
# from flask_migrate import Migrate
app.logger.info("Creating the Database and all tables necessaries")
Voila! almost done! let’s try it!
export FLASK_APP=app.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run --reload
After our first run with sucess we can check the path of our database and check our tables:
Done! now we can try our URL’s to check the functions:
Let’s see our database with our user table and our gourgeous data 🙂
Good! check the complete code on my GITHUB!